AWS Cloud

Szkolenie AWS – DevOps Engineering on AWS


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Szkolenie AWS – DevOps Engineering on AWS

DevOps Engineering on AWS – to wprowadzenie do podstawowych zasad i metodologii DevOps. Pokazuje najpopularniejsze wzorce DevOps do tworzenia, wdrażania i utrzymywania aplikacji na platformie AWS i pokazuje wiele praktycznych przykładów zastosowania tych rozwiązań w różnych scenariuszach, takich jak na przykład uruchamianie aplikacji dla startupów, małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw oraz dużych korporacji.

Dla kogo jest szkolenie DevOps Engineering on AWS?

Dla osób, które zamiast suchej wiedzy slajdowej chcą przekonać się, jak faktycznie wykorzystać nowoczesne technologie w codziennej pracy.

Dla programistów, którzy chcą przyspieszyć i usprawnić proces budowy i wdrażania budowanych aplikacji.

Dla każdego programisty, dla którego „Dev” w „DevOps” jest równie pociągające jak „Ops”.

Dla osób, które chcą poznać najlepsze praktyki DevOps dla aplikacji na platformie AWS.

Program szkolenia DevOps Engineering on AWS

Module 0: Course overview

Course objective
Suggested prerequisites
Course overview breakdown

Module 1: Introduction to DevOps

What is DevOps?
The Amazon journey to DevOps
Foundations for DevOp

Module 2: Infrastructure automation

Introduction to Infrastructure Automation
Diving into the AWS CloudFormation template
Modifying an AWS CloudFormation template
Demonstration: AWS CloudFormation template structure, parameters, stacks, updates, importing resources, and drift detection

Module 3: AWS toolkits

Configuring the AWS CLI
AWS Software Development Kits (AWS SDKs)
AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)
AWS Cloud9
Demonstration: AWS CLI and AWS CDK
Hands-on lab: Using AWS CloudFormation to provision and manage a basic infrastructure

Module 4: Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) with development tools

CI/CD Pipeline and Dev Tools
Demonstration: CI/CD pipeline displaying some actions from AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodePipeline
Hands-on lab: Deploying an application to an EC2 fleet using AWS CodeDeploy

Module 5: Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) with development tools (continued)

AWS CodePipeline
Demonstration: AWS integration with Jenkins
Hands-on lab: Automating code deployments using AWS CodePipeline

Module 6: Introduction to Microservices

Introduction to Microservices

Module 7: DevOps and containers

Deploying applications with Docker
Amazon Elastic Container Service and AWS Fargate
Amazon Elastic Container Registry and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes service
Demonstration: CI/CD pipeline deployment in a containerized application

Module 8: DevOps and serverless computing

AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate
AWS Serverless Application Repository and AWS SAM
AWS Step Functions
Demonstration: AWS Lambda and characteristics
Demonstration: AWS SAM quick start in AWS Cloud9
Hands-on lab: Deploying a serverless application using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) and a CI/CD Pipeline

Module 9: Deployment strategies

Continuous Deployment
Deployments with AWS Services

Module 10: Automated testing

Introduction to testing
Tests: Unit, integration, fault tolerance, load, and synthetic
Product and service integrations

Module 11: Security automation

Introduction to DevSecOps
Security of the Pipeline
Security in the Pipeline
Threat Detection Tools
Demonstration: AWS Security Hub, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Config, and Amazon Inspector

Module 12: Configuration management

Introduction to the configuration management process
AWS services and tooling for configuration management
Hands-on lab: Performing blue/green deployments with CI/CD pipelines and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)

Module 13: Observability

Introduction to observability
AWS tools to assist with observability
Hands-on lab: Using AWS DevOps tools for CI/CD pipeline automations

Module 14: Reference architecture (Optional module)

Reference architectures

Module 15: Course summary

Components of DevOps practice
CI/CD pipeline review
AWS Certification

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(+48) 730 830 801

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