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Szkolenie Azure Databricks


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Szkolenie z Azure Databricks

Azure Databricks jest usługą big data opartą o platformę Apache Spark, która umożliwia tworzenie, uczenie i eksplorację danych w chmurze. Jest to platforma do przetwarzania danych, która zapewnia skalowalność, wydajność i łatwość użytkowania. Azure Databricks umożliwia zespołom łatwiejsze koordynowanie prac i udostępnianie kodu.

Dla kogo jest szkolenie z Azure Databricks?

Dla osób, które chcą wykorzystywać dane do optymalizacji procesów.

Osób, które chcą lepiej poznać Apache Spark.

Dla osób, które mają podstawową wiedzę z zakresu analizy danych.

Dla programistów, Data Engineerów i Data Scientist.

Program szkolenia Azure Databricks

What is the Databricks Lakehouse Platform

Describe what the Databricks Lakehouse Platform is.
Explain the origin of the Lakehouse data management paradigm.
Outline fundamental challenges related to managing and using data.
Describe security features of the Databricks Lakehouse Platform.
Give examples of organizations that have benefited from using the Databricks Lakehouse Platform

What is Databricks SQL

Summarize fundamental concepts for using Databricks SQL effectively
Identify tools and features in Databricks SQL for querying data and sharing insights
Explain how Databricks SQL supports data analysis workflows that allow users to extract and share business insights

What is Databricks Machine Learning

Describe the basic overview of Databricks Machine Learning.
Identify how using Databricks Machine Learning benefits data science and machine learning teams
Summarize the fundamental components and functionalities of Databricks Machine Learning
Exemplify successful use cases of Databricks Machine Learning by real Databricks customers

What is Databricks Data Science and Data Engineering Workspace

Describe the basic overview of Databricks Data Science and Engineering Workspace
Identify assets provided by the workspace
Describe a simple development workflow that queries and aggregates data

Databricks Workspaces And Services

Databricks Architecture and Services
Data Science and Engineering Workspace
Create and Manage Interactive Clusters
Notebook Basics
Git Versioning with Databricks Repos
Using Databricks Repos
Getting Started with the Databricks Platform

Delta Lakehouse

What is Delta Lake
Managing Delta Tables
Manipulating Tables with Delta Lake
Advanced Delta

Relational entities on Databricks

Databases and Views
Views and CTEs

ETL with Spark Sql

Query Files Directly
Providing Options
Creating Delta Tables
Writing to Tables
Cleaning Data
Advanced SQL Transformations

Getting Started with Databricks Sql

Getting Started with Databricks Sql
Navigating Databricks SQL
Unity Catalog on Databricks Sql
Schemas, Tables and Views on Databricks SQL

Basic SQL on Databricks Sql

Ingesting Data for Databricks Sql
Ingesting Data
Delta Commands in Databricks Sql

Presenting Data Visually

Data Visualization
Data Visualizations on Databricks Sql
Dashboards on Databricks Sql
Notifying Stakeholders

Apache Spark Programming – Dataframes

Databricks platform
Databricks Ecosystem
Spark Sql
Reader and writer
Data Sources
Dataframe and column
Column and Expression
Transformation ACtions and Rows

Apache Spark Programming – Transformations

Aggregation Functions
Dates and Timestamps
Complex Types
Complex Types
Additional Functions
UDFs Vectorized Functions

Apache Spark Programming – Spark Internals

Spark Architecture
Spark Cluster, Spark Execution
Shuffling and Caching
Query Optimization

Apache Spark Programming – Structured Streaming

Apache Spark Programing
Streaming Concepts

Czego nauczysz się na szkoleniu z Azure Databricks?

Poznasz fundamenty platformyu Azure Databricks.

Nauczysz się obróbki i przygotowywania danych.

Dowiesz się jak analizować dane z Databricks SQL

Nauczysz się korzystać z Apache Spark

Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o szkoleniu z Azure Databricks?

Dowiedz się więcej

Przemysław Wołosz

Szkolenia dla firm
(+48) 730 830 801

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